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Foreign Austria demands that Sardinia-Piedmont disarm, and issues a three-day ultimatum
Foreign Austria forgives Hungarian rebels for their role in 1848 revolution
Foreign Austria threatens to join the war effort against Russia
Battles/Soldiers Austrian and Italian naval units clash at Lissa in the first major fleet confrontation of ironclads.
US/the World Austrian troops cross into eastern Prussia setting off full war between Prussia and Austria.
Science/Technology Autumn begins
Science/Technology B. Tyler Henry receives a patent for his lever-action, sixteen shot repeating rifle
Crime/Disasters Baggage master killed in the wreck of a Michigan Central passenger train near Chicago
Battles/Soldiers - Baltimore barricades itself against the Confederate advance
Education/Culture Baltimore Excelsiors defeat Washington Potomacs in first intercity baseball game outside New York City
Science/Technology Baltimore gets its first steam fire engine
Campaigns/Elections Baltimore holds the first elections under the new Maryland constitution
Battles/Soldiers Baltimore rioters mount a deadly attack on the Sixth Massachusetts in the streets of the city
Science/Technology Baltimore's first regular streetcar service goes into operation
Science/Technology Baltimore's first streetcar goes into operation on Broadway in the city
Crime/Disasters Bangor, Maine based brig capsizes in a storm off Cape Cod and only one of seven aboard survive
Business/Industry Banks in New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia suspend payment in gold and silver
Business/Industry Bargains are the order of the day as the Navy sells thirty vessels by auction at the Brooklyn Navy-Yard
Personal Baron Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the Modern Olympic Games is born in Paris
Battles/Soldiers Battle of Antietam
Military/Violent - Battle of Arkansas Post
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Cold Harbor
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Cynthiana, June 11-12, 1864
Battles/Soldiers Battle of Fort Pillow
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Fort Stevens
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Fredericksburg
Battles/Soldiers Battle of Gaines' Mill
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Gettysburg
Military/Violent Battle of Jenkins' Ferry
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Marietta, June 9-July 3, 1864