Fayetteville (NC) Observer, “More Fillibusters [Filibusters],” January 7, 1856

    Source citation
    “More Fillibusters [Filibusters],” Fayetteville (NC) Observer, January 7, 1856, p. 3: 2.
    Newspaper: Publication
    Fayetteville Semi Weekly Observer
    Newspaper: Headline
    More Fillibusters
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Newspaper: Column
    Date Certainty
    Don Sailer, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    MORE FILLIBUSTERS [FILIBUSTERS]. – A steamer left New Orleans on the 24th ult., with a large party of fillibusters to join Walker in Nicaragua. The steamer was pursued and stopped by the U. S. Marshal and two hundred of the men taken back to the city.

    The San Francisco Sun of the 5th ult., says that an expedition of 500 men were to sail on that day to join Gen. Walker in Nicaragua. The Sun says that Walker designs to extend his conquests to Southern Mexico, and that such reinforcements, if continued, will enable him to do so.

    How to Cite This Page: "Fayetteville (NC) Observer, “More Fillibusters [Filibusters],” January 7, 1856," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/index.php/node/27146.