
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Personal In Kentucky, Union troops capture Confederate General Simon Bolivar Buckner's furniture
Lawmaking/Litigating Court martial convicts General Joseph Revere, grandson of the patriot, for his retreat at Chancellorsville
Crime/Disasters In Tennessee, Julius Mileke, Union Army deserter, is executed at a public crossroads outside Nashville
Campaigns/Elections Frederick Douglass speaks at the Academy of Music in Brooklyn
Education/Culture In Paris, Manet's revolutionary painting "Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe" is exhibited for the first time
Lawmaking/Litigating President Lincoln commutes the death sentence of an Indiana private soldier caught sleeping on guard
Lawmaking/Litigating In Ohio, General Burnside executes two Confederate officers arrested in Kentucky for spying
Crime/Disasters U.S. Navy prize caught running the Charleston blockade sinks off North Carolina on its way to Boston
Battles/Soldiers In Mississippi, the Army of the Tennessee wins a pivotal battle at Champion Hill and moves on to Vicksburg
Campaigns/Elections In Albany, New York, soldiers attack a public meeting protesting the arrest of Clement Vallandigham
Battles/Soldiers Union forces withdraw from the Mississippi state capital of Jackson after inflicting heavy damage
Crime/Disasters One man killed and two others injured in a fireworks factory explosion in Queens County, New York
Battles/Soldiers The Mexican city of Puebla surrenders to the French after a sixty-two day siege
Battles/Soldiers At the Big Black River Bridge, Union troops sweep aside a blocking force covering the Confederate retreat to Vicksburg
Battles/Soldiers On the Mississippi, the Union's Army of the Tennessee completely surrounds Vicksburg
Crime/Disasters U.S. Navy sailing vessel strikes a reef off Haiti and is lost though all the crew survive
Campaigns/Elections In Dixon, Illinois, four thousand Union supporters dedicate a new Unionist meeting hall
Education/Culture In New Jersey, a clandestine bareknuckle prize fight ends in mayhem
Battles/Soldiers The Union's Army of the Tennessee attempts the storming of Vicksburg but is beaten back
Battles/Soldiers Meeting in Washington DC demands protection for black Union prisoners of war
Crime/Disasters In western New York State, a bridge collapses under an express train, killing one and injuring several
Lawmaking/Litigating President Lincoln banishes Congressman Clement Vallandigham to the Confederacy
Campaigns/Elections In Cleveland, Ohio, thousands hear speeches at a mass meeting of the National Union League
Campaigns/Elections Indiana's Democrats hold a mass meeting at their convention in Indianapolis
Education/Culture At Epsom in southern England, Macaroni wins the eighty-fourth running of the Derby
Battles/Soldiers General John Schofield replaces abolitionist General Samuel Curtis in the Department of the Missouri
Battles/Soldiers - In Louisiana, Union forces advance to surround the Mississippi River fortress at Port Hudson
Religion/Philosophy The Seventh Day Adventist Church formally organizes
Battles/Soldiers Second Union attempt to take Vicksburg by infantry assault ends in bloody failure with 500 dead
Battles/Soldiers In Virginia, General J.E.B. Stuart holds the first of several "Grand Reviews" of his entire cavalry force