James Buchanan to James Gordon Bennett, March 11, 1861

    Source citation
    James Buchanan to James Gordon Bennett, March 11, 1861, James Buchanan Papers at the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections.
    Date Certainty
    Transcribed by the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections, Carlisle, PA
    Adapted by Don Sailer, Dickinson College
    The following transcript has been adapted from the James Buchanan Papers at the Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections.

    Wheatland 11 March 1861.

    My dear Sir/

    Will you be kind enough to direct the Herald to be sent to me directed to Lancaster. I have been quite lost without it.

    I am once more settled at this my quiet home; & one of my first impulses is to return you my cordial & grateful thanks for the able & powerful support which you have given me almost universally throughout my stormy and turbulent administration.

    Under Heaven's blessing the administration has been eminently successful in its foreign & domestic policy, unless we may except the sad events which have recently occurred. Those no human wisdom could have prevented. Whether I have done all I could consistently with my duty to give them a wise & peaceful direction towards the preservation or reconstruction of the union, will be for the public & posterity to judge. I feel conscious that I have done my duty in this respect & that I shall at last receive justice.

    With my kindest regards to Mrs. Bennett, I remain sincerely & respectfully your friend

    James Buchanan

    How to Cite This Page: "James Buchanan to James Gordon Bennett, March 11, 1861," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/index.php/node/25555.