19th-Century Education

    Date Event
    The first state reformatory for boys authorized in Massachusetts
    U.S. Naval Academy opens as a four year institution
    First university for African-Americans incorporated in Pennsylvania
    The National Teachers' Association holds its first convention
    London based philanthropist George Peabody donates a further $200,000 to the Peabody Institute in Baltimore
    The cornerstone of the Peabody Institute is laid in Baltimore, Maryland
    Advocates for women's rights meet in Poughkeepsie, New York
    Final installment of Charles Dickens' "The Tale of Two Cities" published in London
    Ateneo de Manila University is founded in the Philippines
    Cornelius Conway Felton unanimously elected as new President of Harvard University
    Congressional Commission to examine the methods of training at West Point meets for the first time
    Cornelius Conway Felton inaugurated as new President of Harvard University
    Hamilton College in Clinton, New York graduates seventeen men of the class of 1860
    Survey finds only nine of Harvard's 107 man class of 1860 are Democrats while seventy-five are Republicans
    New York City's Bellevue Hospital Medical College opens its first term
    - In Russia, rioting students close down the University of St. Petersburg
    In New York City, the Bellevue Hospital Medical College opens its first regular term
    In Russia, authorities reopen the University of St. Petersburg, shut down earlier by student riots
    In Seattle, the University of the Territory of Washington holds its first classes with thirty students
    American novelist and essayist Edith Wharton is born into a wealthy family in New York City
    Fire destroys Euphemia Hall, a female Episcopal school founded and run by a Dickinson College graduate
    School for the physically disabled incorporated in New York City
    School for the physically disabled opened in New York City
    The cornerstone is laid for the new buildings of Chicago's University of St. Mary's of the Lake
    How to Cite This Page: "19th-Century Education," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/index.php/node/36591.