Washington (DC) National Era, "Governor Walker," November 19, 1857

    Source citation
    “Governor Walker,” Washington (DC) National Era, November 19, 1857, p. 188: 2.
    Original source
    Richmond (VA) Enquirer
    Newspaper: Publication
    Washington National Era
    Newspaper: Headline
    Governor Walker
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Newspaper: Column
    Date Certainty
    Wes McCoy, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as true to the original written document as possible. Spelling and other typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.


    From the Richmond Enquirer.

    That Governor Walker has transcended his official function in rejecting the returns from the Oxford precinct, we have some doubt; but that there was an infamous effort at some stupendous fraud, we have none. It would, however, we think, be premature to pronounce judgment now, without all the evidence before us. The provisions of the law quoted by Governor Walker and Secretary Stanton do not, in our opinion, very clearly invest them with the authority which they have exercised in rejecting the Oxford Votes. But on the ground that the returns were invalid because informal, they may be enabled to justify their conduct in a legal, as we have little doubt they will in a moral, point of view.

    According to telegraphic dispatches, the question was to have been considered, yesterday, by the Cabinet. It will doubtless be thoroughly-investigated, and we are confident that Governor Walker will be recalled, if it is proved to the satisfaction of the Administration that he was not prompted by a sense of duty and of justice. Although his rejection of the Oxford returns may materially lessen the Pro-Slavery strength in the Legislature, it would nevertheless, be contradictory to the principle of popular sovereignty, to the letter and spirit of the Nebraska-Kansas bill, to justice and fairness, for fraudulent votes to be received. The South will scorn such a triumph.

    The Southern people may be assured that, if Governor Walker has injured their interest in violation of the law, the Administration will not hesitate to remove him. If, upon investigation of his conduct with reference to the rejection of the Oxford returns, he proves unworthy the confidence of Mr. Buchanan, who can doubt that we will instantly cease to command his countenance?

    We invite special attention to another proclamation from Governor Walker, on the occasion of his more recent rejection of the fraudulent returns from McGee county. He speaks out frankly and fearlessly. He may have usurped authority, but we must have additional evidence to convince us that he is not acting as he thinks best for the interests of the Territory, the South, and the whole country. But let us await the verdict of the President and his cabinet. They have the means of arriving at the facts; and with their decision, we doubt not, the South will be satisfied.

    How to Cite This Page: "Washington (DC) National Era, "Governor Walker," November 19, 1857," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/index.php/node/505.