LETTERS FOR THE ARMY. – Nothing is more frequent than to hear complaints of the non-receipt of letters at the various camps in and Washington, and following these the complaints of anxious friends in this city, that their letters posted here are never received by the soldiers to whom they are addressed. This would, indeed, be a very great grievance if the fault was in any way attributable to the Post Office authorities here or at Washington, and would demand immediate remedy. But it happens that the cause of complaint is due almost entirely to one circumstance. In most instances letters addressed to the members of the various regiments in service are dropped into the lamppost boxes in various quarters of the city, without bearing the extra one cent stamp in addition to the three cent stamp – the regular postage for letters deposited at the General Post Office. Now, all who desire to have their communications to fathers, husbands, brothers, sons or sweethearts safely delivered will take care, when making use of the lamppost boxes, to put a one cent postage stamp in addition to the three cent stamp upon their letters, and they may rest satisfied that they will be safely and punctually forwarded according to address. Let this necessary precaution be observed, and there will be no more complaints of missing letters.