Jan 4, 1857 - Andrew Popplein to Charles Francis Himes

    Source citation
    Popplein, Andrew to Charles Francis Himes, Baltimore, MD, 4 January 1857. MC 2000.1, Charles Francis Himes Family Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA.
    Author (from)
    Andrew Popplein
    Recipient (to)
    Himes, Charles Francis
    Date Certainty
    Meghan Allen
    Transcription date

    The following text is presented here in complete form, as true to the original written document as possible.

    Article contains - [words illegible] check against original

    Baltimore, Jan 4 1857

    Friend Charley

    I have been waiting very anxiously to hear from you. I though you had forgotten me as I did not receive a letter till this one it was a month except two day coming from your western home. And am glad that you have found a good home as long as you stay out in the mighty west. And hope you will thrive well in teaching the young ideas how to shoot. Why did you not take the offer of the Manchester Academy Mr. Diffenback is a very nice man his wife is a Russian Duchess. Father has bought a copper and gold mine in North Carolina and his brother is head miner he has graduated in Freyburg mining school and is a very nice man George has been down a month he took Lina around to the plantation to see the North Carolina beauties. He is a good deal like George, all the time full of devilment George will go down in March and stay about 8 month. And I will have to stay in the store by myself as father is seldom here more than half and hour the whole day Or the store depend on the Bookeep, me. We are not very busy yet but our traveling agent has been gone this week and by [illegible] so far will be busy this spring. He’d wanted me had to go with him this tour he will gone 6 months he goes over nearly all the United States He top at [illegible] this time and if I had went I might have saw you in the Brick School house a whipping some poor Devil with a piece of Hickory. You had better stay away from Kansas. I had four or five over to go out west this spring but I will not go there is a certain attraction home here that I do not like to leave. Father never say anything about me going to Europe I guess George will see it before me, he is his pet when there is any place to go George has to go. I have to tend to the store that is the saying home. Two of my old schoolmate I have the pleasure of seeing them again from the west are in the city at present Their name are Fred Simon o [illegible] Carlisle you have seen Fred out at our house in Our Old [illegible] he is in Sait Louis he has grown fat and large and talked of the whole crowd of the strong Rangers The other is from Chicago were one of the rustic beautifies has him tight now. He gave me an introduction to his wife, and she told me there were some of the same sort out there yet for me. They city is quiet now since election is over although [illegible] defeated but have no given it up yet we will wait till 1860 then I can vote we will [illegible] [illegible] again and elect him.
    You father and Helen were down in the fall she was staying at Mr Lucas I had the pleasure of taking her to the fair and calling to see her and hope you have no objection if you have let me know I was surprised a week or so after election to see Jake Dhiel and Chris come walking in the stone [illegible] the best of it they run out of money and had to lend them some to go home, which has been returned. Breckhill has gone home to spend the holiday I will tell him when he returned. The Howard Club had the pleasure of drinking you health and the western beauties over a glass of Old Rye Wiskey

    Your truly with the compliments of the season
    Andrew Popplein


    How to Cite This Page: "Jan 4, 1857 - Andrew Popplein to Charles Francis Himes," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/index.php/node/119.