“On March 15, 1822, Anthony Thompson paid a midwife $2 to assist Harriet “Rit” Green in Childbirth. This could be a fortuitous record of Tubman’s birth… By the time Tubman was born, Rit had already been passed down through several generations of Atthow Pattison’s family under a series of inheritance bequests, like a chest of drawers or a coveted piece of jewelry. Ultimately owned by Edward Brodess as a collateral member of the Pattison family, Rit and her Children became Edward’s personal property when he became an adult in 1822. Eventually Tubman and her siblings were moved from Thompson’s plantation, spending their childhood and early adulthood in and around Bucktown, where Edward Brodess farmed his own small plantation”
Source Citation
Kate Clifford Larson, Bound for the Promised Land: Harriet Tubman: Portrait of an American Hero (New York: Ballantine Books, 2004), 16-17.
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