New York Times, "Political Items," August 4, 1858

    Source citation
    "Political Items," New York Times, August 4, 1858, p. 5: 3.
    Newspaper: Publication
    New York Times
    Newspaper: Headline
    Political Items
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Newspaper: Column
    Date Certainty
    Zak Rosenberg, Dickinson College
    Transcription date

    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    Political Items.

    The Hon. Abraham Lincoln has returned a sharp answer to Senator Douglas' letter touching the public discussion in Illinois during the canvass. He says:

    "Protesting that your institutions of attempted unfairness on my part are unjust, and with the hope that you did not very considerately make them, I proceed to reply. To your statement that 'it has been suggested recently that an arrangement had been made to bring out a third candidate for the United State Senate, who, with yourself, should canvass the State in opposition to me,' &c., I can only say that such a suggestion must have been made by yourself, for certainly none such has been made by or to me, or otherwise to my knowledge. Surely, you did not deliberately conclude, as you insinuate, that I was expecting to draw you into an arrangement of terms, to be agreed on by yourself, by which a third candidate and myself 'in concert, might be able to take the opening and closing speech in every case.'"

    How to Cite This Page: "New York Times, "Political Items," August 4, 1858," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,