Lincoln-Douglas Debates (McPherson, 2001)

James M. McPherson, Ordeal by Fire: The Civil War and Reconstruction, 3rd ed. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2001), 119.
In any case, the voters of Illinois divided almost evenly in the election. Pro-Douglas candidates for the legislature polled heavy majorities in the southern half of the state, 125,000 votes, the Douglas Democrats 121,000, and a handful of anti-Douglas Democrats, 5,000. But Douglas carried a larger number of counties, which preserved the Democratic majoirty on the joint ballot in the legislature and enabled the party to reelect him. Elsewhere in the free states, the Democrats suffered another calamity. Their fifty-three Northern congressmen were reduced to a paltry thirty one. Republicans won pluralities in Pennsylvania and Indiana as well in Illinois-states that would give them the presidency in 1860 if they could retain their hold.
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