Phoebe Yates Levy Pember, Wartime Struggles (American National Biography)

Marli F. Weiner, "Pember, Phoebe Yates Levy," American National Biography Online, February 2000,
Pember's memoir of her wartime experiences also includes a description of a trip from Richmond to Georgia and back during a temporary leave of absence in October 1864. Her dramatic account chronicled the difficulties of wartime travel, even with transportation provided by the government, particularly for a woman alone. At one point only the timely intervention of a friend prevented her from being attacked by a man who assumed a respectable woman would not be alone.

Pember remained at her post in Richmond until after Federal officials took over the hospital. During those confused days, Pember reported, she brazenly took or stole what she needed to feed the patients remaining in her care. She armed herself and used the gun for self defense when threatened by malingerers looking for alcohol. Pember remained at the hospital until the remaining men were either convalescent or dead. Loyal friends provided her with food in the chaos.
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