The Slave Bill Excitement at Pittsburg

    Source citation

    "The Slave Bill Excitement at Pittsburg," Louisville (KY) Journal, October 5, 1850, p. 2.

    Newspaper: Publication
    Louisville (KY) Journal
    Newspaper: Headline
    The Slave Bill Excitment at Pittsburg
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Date Certainty
    Michael Blake
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.


    The excitement at Pittsburg and in its vicinity in regard to the fugitive slave law is very great, and it is by no means confined to the blacks. It seems to be quite as violent among the white Abolitionists as among the black ones. Hundreds of fugitive slaves, who have been residing there, some of them for many years, are hurrying off to Canada, and public meetings are held for the utterance of all sorts of indignation. At a late crowded meeting in Alleghany City, mostly of colored people however, after speeches from Rev. C. Avery, R. H. Kerr, Messrs. Tassy, Atkin, and others, resolutions were pass, of which the following are a sample:

    Resolved. That the immediate repeal of the "fugitive slave bill" is called for by every pulsation of a liberty loving people, and we deny the right of Congress to pass a law setting at defiance the habeas corpus or the trial by jury.

    Resolved. That the Christians ministers be and they are hereby loudly requested to call the attention of their respective congregations to this anti-Christian law - a law which places the image of our maker to the power of heartless men, to drag into eternal bondage.
    Another meeting of citizens of the county of all parties was to be held on the evening of the 1st inst. The papers speak of the public feeling as astonishingly strong and unanimous in opposition to the law. An Alleghany paper, speaking of the band of fugitive slaves that have taken their departure for Canada, says:

    Men of stout arms and determined hearts are among them, and, as they are armed and resolved to be free at all hazards, an attempt to arrest them would be no child's play. We also learn that a slave mother, with her four children, has just gone safely through from Virginia direct. The free colored people here are making very active and successful efforts in raising funds to aid their brethren in getting through to Canada. They tell us nobody refuses aid, no matter what his policies - everybody seems willing to give something to help the fugitives.

    If the slaves can manage to get to Canada, they will of course be safe from the operation of the law, but, if they are caught in the United States, singly or in bands, they will, no matter what blood it may cost, be taken back to their masters, and any white Abolitionists, who shall engage in forcible resistance or any sort of illegal resistance to the execution of the law, will be punished for the crime.

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