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THE ILLINOIS CAMPAIGN – HOT WORK FOR THE DOG DAYS – We publish elsewhere in these columns a batch of newspaper extracts from our Illinois exchanges, on the Douglas and anti-Douglas campaign in that State. These extracts show that Mr. Douglas has been fairly cornered upon “popular sovereignty,” and that that Toombs bill will, almost to a dead certainty, be the tomb of the “Little Giant.” He confesses that he did report that bill of 1856, which provided for a State constitution for Kansas without providing for its submission to the people. The bill passed the Senate with the aid of the vote of Mr. Douglas; and had it passed the House, where would have been that precious bantling of popular sovereignty? But that was in 1856, and it was the subsequent Fremont thunder that brought the “Little Giant” down. The record, however, stands out in bold relief against him, and he cannot escape it. Oh, how much wiser it would have been to have followed, instead of attempting to dragoon and drag down, the administration!
Upon another subject, the leading Illinois anti-Douglas democratic organ has opened a fire against Mr. Douglas which will be apt to damage him. We refer to that grand Illinois Central Railroad job – the beginning of all that vast system of land jobbery and land robbery which has since swelled into such a volume of lobby corruptions. And we are not yet out of August, and this Illinois campaign will last till November! A gloomy prospect, indeed, for the “Little Giant.” Who could have thought that such would be the ending of his Kansas-Nebraska bill?