Jonathan Worth to Edward Jones Hale, November 5, 1859

    Source citation
    Jonathan Worth to J. Grier Ralston, November 4, 1859, in Joseph Grégorie de Roulhac Hamilton, ed., The Correspondence of Jonathan Worth (2 vols., Raleigh, NC: Edwards & Broughton, 1909), 1: 656.
    Author (from)
    Worth, Jonathan
    Recipient (to)
    Hale, Edward Jones
    Date Certainty
    Transcription adapted from The Correspondence of Jonathan Worth (1909), edited by Joseph Grégorie de Roulhac Hamilton
    Adapted by Zak Rosenberg, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following transcript has been adapted from The Correspondence of Jonathan Worth (1909).

    Asheboro, Nov. 5th, 1859.

    In the course of a business correspondence with the Rev. J. Grier Ralston, the head and proprietor of Norris own Female Seminary, Pa., I recd. a day or two ago a letter in which he expresses fears that the excessive zeal of Wise and other impetuous Southerners may mar the harmony of feeling between North and South otherwise likely to grow out of the Harper's Ferry attempt at insurrection. He is a man alike respectable for his learning and good sense, and on reading your paper of this morning, Nov. 3d, I mean, I have been so much gratified with your editorials and selected articles on this matter and the slavery question, that I wish to send him the paper as indicating what I believe is the prevalent sentiment of our section; but I have but one No. of your paper and I wish to preserve it. Will you do me the favor to send him this No.? In answering his letter to-day I have said to him that I have made his request of you for the purpose indicated.

    How to Cite This Page: "Jonathan Worth to Edward Jones Hale, November 5, 1859," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,