Belva Lockwood, Election of 1884 (American National Biography)

Jill Norgren, "Lockwood, Belva Ann Bennett McNall," American National Biography Online, February 2000,
In 1884, Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton decided to continue to work for women's rights through an established national political party (Republican). [Belva] Lockwood, then fifty-four, broke with them and accepted the nomination of the Equal Rights party as its presidential candidate. Her running mate was Marietta L. B. Stow. Their platform supported women's rights, including suffrage and reform of marriage and divorce laws; assimilation of Native Americans; veterans' benefits; civil service reform; prohibition of alcohol; greater action on behalf of universal peace; and a variety of economic measures to reduce public debt, improve trade, revive the expansion of industry in the East and the South, and limit monopolies. Victoria Woodhull had run for president in 1872 but had not reached the constitutionally mandated age of thirty-five, and she did not campaign formally because she was in jail. Lockwood thus was the first viable woman candidate for the U.S. presidency. Her ticket received 4,149 votes and the entire electoral vote of Indiana. She was renominated for president by the Equal Rights party in 1888.
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