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The Encroachments of Slavery.
The Albany Journal thus comprehensively states the progress which Slavery has made within a few years: - “Seventy years ago the Democrats drew a line around the States, and said to the slave trader, ‘Thus far you may go, but no farther.’ This was the Jeffersonian Proviso. Thirty years ago, they rubbed out part of the line and said to him, ‘You may go into lands South, but not into lands North.’ This was the Missouri Compromise. Five years ago, they rubbed out the rest of the line, and said to him, ‘We will leave it to the settlers to decide whether you shall come in or not.’ This was the Nebraska bill. Now they turn humbly to him, hat in hand, and say, ‘Go where you please; the land is all yours; the National Flag shall protect you, and the National Troops shoot down whoever resists you.’ This is the Dred Scott Decision.”