Mexico's "counter draft" of a proposed peace settlement with the U.S.--Article 4 (border)

    Source citation
    William R. Manning, ed., Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States:  Inter-American Affairs, 1831-1860 (Washington:  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1937), 941.
    Date Certainty
    Stephen Acker
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    Counter Draft 

    4.  The dividing line between the two Republics shall commence in the Gulf of Mexico three leagues from land opposite the south mouth of the Bay of Corpus Christi, will run straight within the said Bay as far as the mouth of the Nueces River; will then fall in the middle of the said river along its whole course up to its source; from the source of the Nueces River, there shall be drawn a straight line until it crosses the present boundary of New Mexico in the East Southeast; it will run along the present frontier of New Mexico East, North and West, until it reaches in the last named the 37th degree, which will be the boundary of the two Republics from the point where it runs into the said west border of New Mexico as far as the Pacific Sea. The Government of Mexico engages not to build new towns nor establish colonies in the area of land lying between the Nueces River and the Bravo.

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