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THE WHY AND BECAUSE. The late defeat of the anti-Lecompton men in the state and congressional elections of California is commented upon by the New York Tribune, whose editor has had the advantage of personal observation:
Believing that a different result was entirely within the reach of the opposition, we cannot help regretting that it was not achieved. In our judgment, the fatal mistake was made when the republican state committee, after awaiting the appearance of the call of the anti-Lecompton state convention, called a rival gathering to meet so as to anticipate the doings of the other wing of the opposition. Had a different course been taken – had the anti-Lecompton democracy been allowed to take the lead, but requested to make their call so broad as to give standing – room on their platform to all opponents of the Lecompton fraud and its authors – and had the convention assembled under this call been composed of anti-Lecompton men of whatever antecedents, and nominated a corresponding ticket, with the hearty assent of the entire opposition, we believe that ticket might have been chosen, and California thus redeemed from her protracted thraldom to the slave power. As it is, all is probably lost, but the lesson, which, we trust, is not lost, but will prove fruitful of instruction and profit. No United States senator is to be chosen by the legislature just elected.