Robert Frederick Hoke (Appleton’s)

James Grant Wilson and John Fiske, eds., “Hoke, Robert Frederick,” Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American Biography (New York: D. Appleton and Company, 1901), 7: 143.
HOKE, Robert Frederick, soldier, b. in Lincolnton, N.C., 27 May, 1837. He was major of the 1st North Carolina infantry early in 1861, and major, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel of the 33d North Carolina infantry and colonel of the 21st (formerly 11th) North Carolina infantry. He was appointed brigadier-general in the Confederate states army, 17 Jan., 1863, and major-general, 20 April, 1864. His brigade was in Early's division, Jackson's (afterward Ewell's) corps, Army of northern Virginia. He was at one time in command of the district of North Carolina. His division was composed of the brigades of Gens. Martin, Hagood, Clingman, and Colquitt, Army of northern Virginia. Since the war he has been actively engaged in business in North Carolina, and now is president of the Seaboard air line, Georgia, Carolina, and Northwestern railroad company.
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