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CONFLAGRATION IN THE PIKE’S PEAK GOLDMINES — LIVES LOST. – We learn from the Leavenworth Times that one of the coaches of the Pike’s Peak Express Company arrived there bringing dates to the 23 ult. An immense conflagration commenced raging in the mountain [pineries?] on the 20th ult. It originated on the dividing ridge between the Gregory and Jackson diggings, and soon had turned hundred and thousands of acres of pine land into an ocean of fire, that swept away everything towards the snow range. A violent wind that prevailed for a few days increased the vehemence of the destructive element. At Denver City the existence of the fire was first announced by the dense volumes of smoke that filled the atmosphere from the mountains to Cherry Creek. Many prospecting parties had been cut off from escape and devoured by the devastating flames. Suffocated and cindered bodies had already been discovered. A party of fifteen persons are known to have perished by the flames.