Capt. Cook – Wrong Man Arrested.
CARLISLE, Pa., Oct. 22.
A man supposed to be Capt. Cook, of the Harper’s Ferry Insurrection was arrested here at noon to day. He answered the description and is the same man seen in [Chambersburg] talking with Mrs. Cook, yesterday. He was armed heavily and is now having a hearing.
The man arrested on the charge of murder as being a participant in the Insurrection at Harper’s Ferry, is now supposed not to be Cook, but one of his party. He is the man from whom a Sharp’s rifle was taken at [Chambersburg], and who was with Mrs. Cook. Upon arresting him he attempted to resist, but was overpowered. He had on his person three revolvers and two bowie knives. He has been committed to prison for a further hearing. This man is taller than the published description makes Cook. He has the appearance of a desperate man ready for any enterprise. He refused at his hearing to answer any questions.
CARLISLE, Pa., Oct. 23.
The man arrested yesterday on suspicion that he was Capt. Cook, gives his name as Wm. Harrison. He is still in custody. It is reported that he will be brought before the Court to-morrow on a writ of Habeas Corpus with the view of effecting his discharge.