Record Data
THE TRIAL OF STEVENS. – It has generally been supposed that STEVENS, one of the accomplices of JOHN BROWN in the Harper’s Ferry affair, had been handed over to the federal authorities, and was to be tried in the United States courts. It seems, however, that this is not so. GEO. SENNOTT., Esq., of Boston, wrote to the President for information on the subject, and is informed by a letter from ANDREW HUNTER, Esq., that “the authorities of Virginia have definitely settled that he is to be tried in Charlestown,” and that the trial will probably come off in the present month, though that is not certain.
It is suggested that this change has been resolved upon in consequence of the appointment of an Investigating Committee by the United States Senate. The original object of Virginia in allowing the trial to take place in a federal court, was that witnesses might be compelled to attend from other States. It is understood however, that Dr. HOWE, WENDELL PHILLIPS, and others, will be summoned to attend the Committee, and that their testimony can thus be secured. A special session of the State Court for STEVENS’ trial has been ordered by the Virginia Legislature.