Record Data
THE RE-INTERNMENT OF COPPIC [COPPOC]. – The remains of Edwin Coppic, one of the Harper’s Ferry insurgents, were disinterred on Monday, the 26th ult., from the burying ground about five miles from Salem, Ohio, where they had been quietly buried by his Quaker relatives, for a more imposing burial by his sympathizers in the neighborhood, on Friday the 30th ult. The body was placed in the hands of experienced persons to prepare it for the occasion. The wooden coffin from Virginia was replaced by a handsome metallic one, the body being robed in white flannel, and taken to the Town Hall in Salem, where, on Friday, it was exposed to view for four hours. The hall accommodating six hundred was filled, and then some four thousand persons, it was estimated, passed through the room to view the corpse, several ladies, on seeing the blackened face, bursting into tears. In the procession to the burying-ground, in sight of the town, the relations followed first, then the citizens generally. A monument is to be erected to the memory of the deceased.