John T. Cuddy to John H. Cuddy, January 16, 1863

    Source citation
    John Taylor Cuddy to John H. Cuddy, January 16, 1863. John T. Cuddy Papers (MC 2001.9); Dickinson College Archives and Special Collections.
    Recipient (to)
    Cuddy, John H.
    Date Certainty
    Transcribed by Andrew Cassidy-Amstutz, Dickinson College
    Adapted by Rebecca Solnit, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following transcript has been adapted from The John T. Cuddy Papers.
    Ordenc [Ordinance] Department PRVC
    Januery the 16 1863
    Dear parents with plesure i take up my pen to rite a few lines to you to let you now that i am well at presant and hope that thes few lines may find you all in the same state of helth time seames long to be with you all but i hope and pray to god to spare me through this ware and let me get home safe again i have got a good plase now i have nothing to do but guard i am happy and giting along fine as can be
    Dear friends this ware is an auffel thing fighting for ngroes now is a bad thing but i hope that this ware will be over till spring Old abe done a bad thing wen he freed all the slaves now the rebels is fghting for ther rites dear friend i wish that this ware was over and i was at home with you all again i think that i will not go a soldgerning eny more for i am tiard of ware now i hope to get through this ware safe i am happy and send my love to you all
    What have we gained by fighting yet we lost more then we ganed i hope that our devision will get to the state for to recrute for we have only two thousand and five hundred men in our devision now and if we get to the state i do think that we will not go out eny more dear friends i wish that this ware was over and i was at home to nite with you all i send my love to you all and do not forget me your true son
    John T Cuddy
    Mr John H Cuddy
    How to Cite This Page: "John T. Cuddy to John H. Cuddy, January 16, 1863," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,