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GETTING THEIR EYES OPEN. – The Chicago Convention accomplished one thing very effectually. It opened the eyes of the Democratic journals to the shining qualities and eminent public services of Senator SEWARD. Heretofore the Democratic papers have been accustomed to speak in disparaging and denunciatory terms of Mr. SEWARD, his doctrines and public career. Now all that is changed, and they have no language but praises, for the great statesman of New York. The last number of the Appleton Crescent, for instances, publishes a letter from its New York correspondent in which the following passage occurs:
There is not a candid, intelligent man, north or south, who would hesitate to pronounce Mr. Seward qualified by capacity, education and experience in public affairs for the position of President of the United States, were it not for his anti-slavery fanaticism which mars the symmetry of one of the most complete minds in every other respect that has ever adorned the Senate chamber.
All [true?] save the “fanaticism.” But the Democratic press never would have discovered, or, at least, never would have admitted the fact, but for the result at Chicago.