A Negro-Whipping Resulting in a White Man’s Murder.
From the Savannah Republican.
Mr. J. WOOD, Proprietor of the Ogiethorpa House, at Brunswick, was deliberately murdered by CHARLES MOORE, Marshal of that town, Saturday night last. The circumstances are briefly as follows: MOORE whipped a negro belonging to Mr. WOOD the afternoon of that day, whereupon a slight altercation took place, the latter considering the boy as undeserving the punishment. The matter passed off, and was thought nothing of on WOOD’S part. About 9 o’clock that night WOOD, in company with several gentleman, was sitting at a table in the front room of the hotel, when MOORE entered and remarked: “WOOD, we had a quarrel this evening, when I was unarmed; and now I am prepared for you” WOOD immediately arose from the table and remarked: “Charlie, we did have a slight difference, but I have thought nothing of it since, and regard the matter as forgotten.” As soon as these words were spoken, MOORE drew a pistol and deliberately shot WOOD through the heart. The latter started from the room and reached the passage, when he fell and expired immediately. MOORE left the house and immediately disappeared. The Mayor was soon on the spot, and offered a reward of $1,000 for the arrest of the murderer, but up to last accounts he had not been taken. We have learned these facts from a gentleman who was in the house when the dreadful affair occurred. Mr. WOOD was an excellent and most amiable man, and left a wife with several small children.