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There is but little doubt that the leading spirits in the secession movement are opposed to a Republican form of government. South Carolina has never been truly Republican in its State government. It has always approximated much nearer to an Aristocracy than a Democracy. The designation applied by the ruling class to the masses show their animus fully – “shopkeepers,” “greasy mechanics,” “smallfisted farmers,” “mudsills,” “poor white trash.” South Carolina was more prolific of Tories during the Revolutionary War, in proportion to population, than all the other colonies combined. The breed has not died out. The love of Monarchy, of an aristocratic ruling class, still remains. It has gone to the full length of its tether under existing institutions, but is far from being satisfied. If secession proves successful, South Carolina’s influence will assuredly be given in favor of the establishment of a Monarchy. Already a proposition has been made for obliterating State lines. That is the first step towards consolidation. The rest would soon and naturally follow. Nor is the feeling confided wholly to South Carolina. The Augusta (Ga.) Chronicle and Sentinel openly advocates the establishment of a Monarchy, claiming that a Republican form of Government, in South Carolina has proved a failure. There can be no doubt that predilections for a Monarchy in the cotton States have not had a little to do in precipitating the political troubles of the country. Our Revolutionary fathers made a mistake in not hanging all the tories of that day. The race ought to have been exterminated at once.