John Anderson, a slave who killed a white Missouri farmer while escaping to Canada in 1853 and who the United States had for months being trying to extradite, was released from custody in Hamilton, Ontario. His celebrated case lasted months before the Canadian courts granting the request. On appeal, however, he was set free on a technicality. He later toured Great Britain and emigrated to Liberia in December 1862. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Harriet C. Frazier, Runaway and Freed Missouri Slaves and Those Who Helped Them, 1763-1865 (Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Co., 2004), 111-122.
"Decision in the Case of Fugitive Slave Anderson," New York Times, February 18, 1861.
"Decision in the Case of Fugitive Slave Anderson," New York Times, February 18, 1861.
Record Data
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