Kentucky's year-long effort to maintain its neutrality ended when both Confederate and Union forces invaded the state. The pro-Unionist Kentucky house of representatives then voted 77 to 20 to hoist the Union flag over the State Capitol in Frankfort. Four days later, it passed a resolution ordering Confederate troops to leave Kentucky. Still seeking neutrality, Governor Beriah Magoffin vetoed the resolution as one-sided. When his veto was over-ridden, Magoffin resigned and, to the relief of the North, Kentucky lined up behind the Union. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Lowell H. Harrison, The Civil War in Kentucky (Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Press, 1975), 12-13.
Chronicles of the Rebellion Against the United States of America (Philadelphia, PA: A. Winch, 1867), 11.
Chronicles of the Rebellion Against the United States of America (Philadelphia, PA: A. Winch, 1867), 11.
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