The Swedish chemist and inventor, Alfred Bernhard Nobel, took out his first patent in Stockholm for his working of the explosive nitroglycerine two weeks before his thirtieth birthday. His father, Emmanuel Nobel, had found a way to make the explosive, discovered earlier in France, safer and usuable. Accidents still occurred despite this and it was not until Alfred invented dynamite in 1867 that use of the explosive became relatively safe. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Nobelstiftelsen, H. Schück, Ragnar Sohlman, The Life of Alfred Nobel (London: William Heinemann, 1929), 271.
"The Nobel Prizes and Their Founder," American Monthly Review of Reviews, Vol. XXV., No. 1 (January 1902), p. 41.
"The Nobel Prizes and Their Founder," American Monthly Review of Reviews, Vol. XXV., No. 1 (January 1902), p. 41.
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