In China, U.S. Navy forces land to arrest bandits harassing American interests.


Recently arrived in China after a year long journey from home waters, the 1032 ton steam sloop U.S.S. Wachusett had begun operations to deter Chinese bandits then harassing American diplomats, businessmen, and missionaries. At Yingtze on the Gulf of Chichii, the U.S. Consul had appealed for help where fearful local authorities were refusing to take action against a large bandit group. Wachusett's captain, Commander Robert Townsend, ran out of patience, and landed more than a hundred sailors and marines under Lieutenant J.W. Philip who surrounded the bandit's village in a night operation that captured their chieftain and other ringleaders.  (By John Osborne)

Source Citation

Charles B. Bogart, "Slow Boat to China - U.S. S. Wachusett 1865," Naval Historical Review of the Naval Historical Society of Australia, March 1980, np.
Spencer Tucker, Almanac of American Military History (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2013), II: 1043.

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