Roanoke, MO


ROANOKE, A post village of Howard and Randolph counties, in Prairie and Silver Creek townships, situated near the Missouri river, 15 miles from Fayette, the county town of Howard, and 13 miles from Huntsville, the county seat of Randolph. It was settled by Bradford and White in the year 1828 - in 1830 a post-office was established.  There are two stage routes, to Glasgow, 13 miles, and to Allen, 19 miles.  It contains one Masonic lodge, Roanoke Lodge, No. 70, one Odd Fellows, Bethel Lodge, No. 87.  It contains four churches, Baptist, Christian, Methodist, and Presbyterian. The average price of cultivated land $20 to $30 per acre, uncultivated from $18 to $20; minerals, coal in abundance. Chief products are wheat, corn, rye, barley, oats, tobacco, and oats.  It contains one manufacturer and dealer in agricultural implements, one ambrotype artist, one auctioneer, one baker, one banker, three blacksmiths, two boot and shoemakers, one butcher, two cabinet makers, one carpenter, one clothing dealer,  two druggist, one fancy dry goods store, one grocer, four general stores, two saddle and harness makers, one hotel, two justices, one jeweler and watch maker, one dress maker, three physicians, and two tailors.  Population 250.  (The Missouri State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1860)

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