Steelville, MO


STEELSVILLE(sic), a post-village of Crawford CO., Missouri, near the Maramec river, 90 miles S. W. from St. Louis. It has a large academy and 5 or 6 stores. Population, 300. (Baldwin & Thomas, A New and Complete Gazetteer of the United States ... 1854)

STEELVILLE, The county seat of Crawford county, situated six miles south of the line of the south-west branch Pacific R.R., 95 miles from St. Louis, and 75 miles from Jefferson city.  It contains two churches, viz: Cumberland Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal, one Masonic Lodge, (Lebanon Lodge,) four general stores and one flouring mill.  Average price of land, $15 per acre. (The Missouri State Gazetteer and Business Directory, 1860)


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