Record Data
C.J. Baker
Jan ‘56
Balt June 13/56
Rev C Collins DD
Dear Sir
Your letter was duly received and in reply I would say that the proposals made by myself were upon condition in that there should be no alteration of the Discipline on the subject of Slavery. I would be one of 50 to give $1000 each to raise $50000 as a permanent endowment of Dickinson College. One of 100 to give $50 per year for 3 years to support the College. and one of 100 to give $50 payable in July August or Sept. to repair the College Buildings. The indications are I fear that the Antislavery party will force a change in the next four years. However in relation to the $50 for repairs I am willing to pay now and upon receipt of your answer will either send the amount in Cash, or [illegible] to the value thereof. I suppose you have other subscriptions to do the repairs now demanded. In regard to the
the fund for medals I shall not be able to promise any thing as present in view of the pressing proposals and also having secured the Lot on Madison Avenue I am pledged for a subscription to erect a church this year to cost $20000.
Yours respectfully
C J Baker