Record Data
Fugitive Slave Case at Ann Arbor, Mich.
From the Detroit Tribune, 1st.
We are informed that several detectives, among whom we have only the names of officers SPRAGUE and WILCOXBON, took a supply of small arms, handcuffs, &c., and went to Ann Arbor for the purpose of catching a couple of fugitive slaves, who were at work near by. They had arranged for an amicable partition of the reward. The had “a dead sure thing of it,” but unfortunately they were so well pleased with the ingenuity of their arrangements that they told their business to several of the citizens of Ann Arbor. The negroes were informed of what was going on by a messenger sent to the farm-house where they were working, and they immediately “laid down the shovel and the hoe,” got aboard the cars on the Underground Railroad, and are now safe in Canada. The detectives heard of what had taken place, and offered $600 in gold to any one who would catch the two black boys.