
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Crime/Disasters Crippled clipper ship limps into Valparaiso harbor in Chile after hitting an iceberg
Foreign Prince Metternich dies in Vienna
Foreign In Italy, the pro-Austrian Duke of Modena flees and a provisional government is formed
Business/Industry Large silver deposits are found in Six Mile Canyon near Virginia City in Nevada
Battles/Soldiers Lyman Cutlar shoots Charles Griffin's pig on San Juan Island touching off "the Pig War"
Crime/Disasters Searing winds hit Santa Barbara, California, destroying birds, small animals, and all foliage in the town
Foreign In London, Lord Palmerston returns as Prime Minister of a new Whig-Liberal government
Foreign In Italy, Papal troops regain control of the dissident city of Perugia
Crime/Disasters - Weeks of dangerously high temperatures prevail in central California
US/the World Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria takes personal command of his armies in Italy
Religion/Philosophy Corpus Christi celebrated
Battles/Soldiers Battlefield carnage inspires Henri Durant to found what will become the International Red Cross
Foreign Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria and Emperor Napoleon III meet in battle at Solferino in Italy
Battles/Soldiers In China, a British attack on the Taku Forts is repulsed with heavy losses
Science/Technology A Police and Fire Alarm System goes into operation in Baltimore, Maryland
Crime/Disasters A serious railroad accident in Indiana kills dozens when floods wash away tracks
Cultural - First ever dog show held at Newcastle in northern England
Business/Industry The U.S. Post Office reports another record deficit for the year ending June 30, 1859
Education/Culture Blondin crosses Niagara Falls on a tightrope for the first time
Education/Culture Tennyson's newly published Idylls of the King selling strongly in England
Cultural Amherst beats Williams in the first ever intercollegiate baseball game by a score of 73-22
Legal/Political A convention assembles in Wyandotte, Kansas to create a Kansas State Constitution
Science/Technology American merchant captain discovers the Midway Islands
Lawmaking/Litigating - The convention charged with creating a Kansas State Constitution is meeting in Wyandotte, Kansas
US/the World Heat soars in Europe to some of the highest temperatures recorded
Foreign Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria and Emperor Napoleon III of France sign an armistice at Villafranca in Italy
Crime/Disasters Arizona Territorial delegate Sylvester Mowry fights duel with Arizona newspaperman E. E. Cross
Slavery/Abolition In Britain a legal judgment confirms that no British subject or company may own or sell slaves abroad
Battles/Soldiers Ninth U.S. Infantry troops under Captain George Picket occupy San Juan Island as the "Pig War" escalates
Science/Technology Baltimore's first streetcar goes into operation on Broadway in the city