
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Foreign In Mexico, General Miramón withdraws his Conservative forces surrounding the Liberal capital of Vera Cruz
Lawmaking/Litigating A referendum in Kansas confirms the legislature's call for a constitutional convention
Crime/Disasters Steamboat collision on the Ohio River kills forty-two people
Education/Culture Brahms' First Serenade for Orchestra premieres at Hamburg in northern Germany
Science/Technology The Cochituate Aqueduct that provides water to Boston gives way
Legal/Political Federal Judge Cradlebaugh protests the Governor's order to remove U.S. troops aiding his court in Provo, Utah
US/the World In London, Parliament defeats a key Conservative bill for reform and the Government resigns the next day
Crime/Disasters Clipper ship bound for Liverpool from Australia hits an iceberg
Personal John Brown speaks at the Concord Town Hall
Slavery/Abolition Alleged fugitive slave arrested in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and sent that evening to Philadelphia
US/the World In Spain, a woefully abortive Carlist attempt is made to overthrow the Spanish throne
Cultural John Morrissey officially relinquishes his U.S. heavyweight boxing title and retires from the ring
Lawmaking/Litigating The trial of Congressman Daniel Sickles for the murder of Philip Barton Key begins in Washington D.C.
Legal/Political - The fugitive slave case of Daniel Dangerfield from Harrisburg causes popular excitement in Philadelphia
Education/Culture Daniel Decatur Emmett's "Dixie" premieres in New York City
Lawmaking/Litigating - The murder trial of Congressman Daniel Sickles of New York continues in Washington D.C.
Lawmaking/Litigating Massachusetts legislates milk inspections
Legal/Political The first trial of the Oberlin-Wellington slave rescuers opens in federal court in Cleveland, Ohio
Crime/Disasters Dozens of miners are drowned when a mine floods in South Wales
Slavery/Abolition In Philadelphia, the U.S. Commissioner frees Harrisburg alleged fugitive slave Daniel Dangerfield
Legal/Political - The federal trial of Oberlin-Wellington rescuer Simeon Bushnell continues in Cleveland, Ohio
US/the World The United States recognizes the Liberal government of Benito Juarez in Mexico
Education/Culture Walter Camp born in New Britain, Connecticut
Foreign Tatya Tope, one of the last leaders of the Indian Rebellion, is captured in north central India
Foreign The Austrian Empire mobilizes in response to the war preparations of Piedmont-Sardinia
Lawmaking/Litigating - The murder trial of Congressman Daniel Sickles of New York continues in Washington D.C.
Education/Culture Detroit hosts world championship billiards match
Legal/Political Lord Lyons, the new British Ambassador, presents his credentials to President Buchanan in Washington
Crime/Disasters Courteous Spanish diplomat commits suicide in Blenheim Park in England
US/the World Angered at Washington's recognition of Juarez, the Conservative Government in Mexico expels all U.S. consular officers