
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Campaigns/Elections The Georgia Legislature chooses its presidential electors
Business/Industry Philadelphia textile manufacturers put their factories on half-time production
Education/Culture In London, Charles Dickens' new novel begins serialized publication
US/the World Mining disaster in Wales kills 142 men
Religion/Philosophy First Sunday in Advent
Lawmaking/Litigating The second session of the 36th Congress opens in Washington, DC
Campaigns/Elections Abolitionist meeting to commemorate John Brown broken up in Boston
Crime/Disasters Conductor killed in railroad accident in eastern Pennsylvania
Lawmaking/Litigating In Washington, the U.S. House creates its "Committee of Thirty-Three" on the sectional crisis
Lawmaking/Litigating - The second session of the 36th Congress is sitting in Washington, DC
Lawmaking/Litigating In Naperville, Illinois, summing up begins in sensational Chicago elite divorce case
Lawmaking/Litigating President Buchanan's annual message to Congress is delivered to Capital Hill
Crime/Disasters In Albany, a fire in a library at the New York State Capitol causes moderate damage but no injuries
Crime/Disasters One man killed and others hurt in an explosion aboard a Spanish naval vessel in the Brooklyn Navy Yard
Crime/Disasters Clandestine prize-fight fought in New Jersey for a purse of $300
Campaigns/Elections South Carolina voters elect delegates to its Secession Convention
Lawmaking/Litigating Buchanan's Secretary of the Treasury recommends secession to his home state of Georgia
Crime/Disasters - In New York, a water main break cuts off much of the city's water supply for two days
Lawmaking/Litigating In Washington DC, President Buchanan meets with the South Carolina congressional delegation
Lawmaking/Litigating Abraham Lincoln writes to offer William Henry Seward the post of Secretary of State in his new cabinet
Lawmaking/Litigating Secretary of the Treasury Howell Cobb resigns from the Buchanan Cabinet
Crime/Disasters Statistics indicate deaths from steamboat boiler explosions down for the year 1860
Personal Congressman John Sherman urges his brother William to return to Ohio from Louisiana
Campaigns/Elections Boston elects its first ever Democratic Party mayor
Lawmaking/Litigating In Naperville, Illinois, courtroom applauds as wife found innocent in sensational Chicago divorce case
Battles/Soldiers In Charleston, Major Anderson is ordered not to provoke but also to resist attack
Battles/Soldiers Midshipman William Barker Cushing writes of "the huge weight of the crisis" on the U.S. Naval Academy
Lawmaking/Litigating Philip Francis Thomas of Maryland becomes Secretary of the Treasury, replacing Howell Cobb
Crime/Disasters River sloop overturns on the Hudson River and crew spend night in frozen waters
US/the World The French Empress returns to France from Britain after her relaxed three week private visit