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Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating Mississippi's Secession Convention assembles in Jackson, the state capital
Lawmaking/Litigating Mississippi's Secession Convention appoints a committee to draw up an ordinance of secession
Crime/Disasters Survivors from American ship sunk in mid-Atlantic thousands of miles from land are rescued
Lawmaking/Litigating From the capital, Dickinson alumni L. Q. Washington leaks the secret reinforcement of Fort Sumter
Crime/Disasters In central England, another mining accident kills four miners and two pit boys
Campaigns/Elections Democrats celebrate "St. Hickory's Day" in honor of Andrew Jackson's victory at New Orleans
Lawmaking/Litigating Jacob Thompson of Mississippi resigns as the Buchanan Administration's Secretary of the Interior
Campaigns/Elections In Augusta, former Maine governor Lot M. Morrill elected to replace Hannibal Hamlin in U.S. Senate
Battles/Soldiers Federal resupply ship for Fort Sumter fired on outside Charleston Harbor and forced to retreat
Crime/Disasters In Ohio, two Cincinnati policemen stabbed to death in a city house of prostitution
Battles/Soldiers North Carolina militia seize Fort Johnston and Fort Caswell at the mouth of the Cape Fear River
Lawmaking/Litigating Mississippi secedes from the Union
Lawmaking/Litigating In Tallahassee, the Florida secession convention votes by 62-7 to leave the United States
Battles/Soldiers In Pensacola Bay, U.S. Army Lieutenant Adam J. Slemmer consolidates his forces in Fort Pickens
Crime/Disasters In Ohio, a Cincinnati mob attempts the lynching of the killers of two city policemen
Battles/Soldiers In Baton Rouge, Louisiana militia take control of massive stocks of arms at the Federal Arsenal
Battles/Soldiers In Charleston Harbor, South Carolina authorities formally request the surrender of Fort Sumter
Slavery/Abolition In Rochester, New York, a pro-compromise pro-Union crowd breaks up an abolition meeting
Crime/Disasters Extremely cold weather in Quebec intensifies
Battles/Soldiers Louisiana militia seize Forts Saint Philip and Jackson at the mouth of the Mississippi River
Lawmaking/Litigating In Tallahassee, the formal Ordinance of Secession is signed on the capitol steps and Florida secedes
Lawmaking/Litigating Alabama secedes from the Union
Lawmaking/Litigating Marylander Philip F. Thomas resigns after one month as Secretary of the Treasury
US/the World - Don Carlos, pretender to Spain's throne, and his wife die within hours of each other of scarlet fever
Battles/Soldiers Florida and Alabama militias seize the Pensacola Navy Yard and Fort Barracas
Battles/Soldiers New York City's First Division, New York State Militia volunteers its services to state governor
Campaigns/Elections In Philadelphia, southern students disrupt a program of patriotic tunes at the Academy of Music
Crime/Disasters In Halifax, Nova Scotia, a killer fire devastates two blocks in the heart of the business district
Lawmaking/Litigating Washington pays Governor Pickens what he is owed, from the newly seized Charleston Sub-Treasury
Education/Culture In New York, famous horse-tamer John S. Rarey demonstrates his skills to packed Broadway crowds