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Date Title Type
Abraham Lincoln, Annual Message to Congress, December 3, 1861 Speech
Gettysburg Address (Everett Copy), November 19, 1863 Speech
Abraham Lincoln, Speech in United States House of Representatives: The War with Mexico, January 12, 1848 Speech
Abraham Lincoln, Eulogy on Henry Clay, July 6, 1852 Speech
Abraham Lincoln, Speech at a Republican Banquet, Chicago, Illinois, December 10, 1856 Speech
Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854 Speech
Abraham Lincoln, Speech in the Illinois Legislature Concerning the State Bank, January 11, 1837 Speech
Abraham Lincoln, Response to a Serenade, November 10, 1864 Speech
Lincoln's Notes for Speech at Chicago, February 28, 1857 Speech
Gettysburg Address (Nicolay Draft), November 19, 1863 Speech
Gettysburg Address (Bancroft Copy), November 19, 1863 Speech
Abraham Lincoln's Farewell Address at Springfield, Illinois, February 11, 1861 Speech
Abraham Lincoln, First Debate with Stephen Douglas, Ottawa, Illinois, August 21, 1858 Speech
Abraham Lincoln's Speech in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1861 Speech
Abraham Lincoln's Speech at the Flag-raising before Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1861 Speech
Abraham Lincoln's Reply to Andrew Curtin at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1861 Speech
Willard Saulsbury, Debate on the Civil Rights Bill, U.S. Senate, January 29, 1866 Speech
Lyman Trumbull, Introduction of the Civil Rights Bill, U.S. Senate, January 29, 1866 Speech
Andrew Johnson, Speech before Washington's Birthday Meeting, Washington, D.C., February 22, 1866 Speech
Abraham Lincoln's Remarks at Erie, Pennsylvania, February 16, 1861 Speech