
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating The 34th Congress opens in Washington, DC
Legal/Political - The 34th Congress is in session in Washington, DC, sitting from early December, 1855 till mid-August, 1857
Personal Shelby Moore Cullom marries Hanna M. Fisher
Science/Technology First day of Winter
Foreign Austria threatens to join the war effort against Russia
Business/Industry Borax is discovered in Northern California
Religion/Philosophy Ash Wednesday
Science/Technology First Sunday in Lent
Education/Culture Attempt to portray a live horse race in a stage play ends in disaster in New York City
Campaigns/Elections American Party nominates Millard Fillmore for president
Foreign Ottoman Empire issues reform law promoting religious freedom
Campaigns/Elections The Republican Party holds its first national meeting
Lawmaking/Litigating The Wisconsin State Supreme Court declares Governor William Barstow removed from office
Science/Technology First day of Spring
Lawmaking/Litigating Wisconsin Governor William Barstow resigns after State Supreme Court ruling
Religion/Philosophy Easter Sunday
Foreign Treaty of Paris ends Crimean War and guarantees the territorial boundaries of the Ottoman Empire
Crime/Disasters Riot in Panama over the theft of a slice of watermelon claims the lives of fifteen foreigners
Military/Violent In Panama, a minor scuffle between an American sailor and a local fruit vendor turns violent
US/the World European powers agree to Declaration of Paris on foreign shipping during times of war
Religion/Philosophy Passover begins
Business/Industry First railroad bridge across the Mississippi River completed
Religion/Philosophy Passover ends
Religion/Philosophy Whitsunday or Pentecost
Military/Violent U.S. recognizes new Nicaraguan government under the influence of William Walker
Science/Technology The first telegraph ticker to print words patented in New York City
Religion/Philosophy Corpus Christi celebrated
Military/Violent - John Brown attacks a proslavery community close to the Pottawatomie Creek in Kansas
Campaigns/Elections The Republican Party convention opens in Philadelphia
Science/Technology First day of Summer