Chesterfield County, VA


CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, situated toward tho southeast part of Virginia, between Appomattox and James rivers. Area, 456 square miles. Face of the country hilly; soil of fair quality. Seat of justice, Chesterfield Court House. Pop. 1820. 18,003; in 1830, 18,637; in 1840, 17,148; in 1850, 17,486. (Fanning's, 1853)

    Place Unit Type
    Containing Unit
    Name Type
    Blackheath, VA Location or Site
    Chesterfield, VA City or Town
    Manchester, VA City or Town
    Midlothian, VA City or Town
    How to Cite This Page: "Chesterfield County, VA," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,