Admission charged to a Baseball Park for the first time

The various clubs of New York and Brooklyn charge fans 10 cents admission to the New York Fashion Race Track on Long Island, New York to see a game played between their best players. The game is played on the infield of the racetrack with the New Yorker All-Stars beating the Brooklynites 22-18. At least 7,800 pay the admission and a profit of $71.10 is donated to charity. (By John Osborne)

Source Citation

Joseph Nathan Kane, ed., Famous First Facts (New York: H.W. Wilson Company, 1981), 102.
Robert H. Schaefer, "The Great Base Ball Match of 1858: Base Ball's First All-Star Game," NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture 14.1 (2005) 47-66.

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How to Cite This Page: "Admission charged to a Baseball Park for the first time," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,