Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, "Spirit of the Week," March 17, 1860

    Source citation
    "Spirit of the Week," Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, March 17, 1860, p. 24: 2.
    Newspaper: Publication
    Wilkes' Spirit of the Times
    Newspaper: Headline
    Spirit of the Week
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Newspaper: Column
    Brian Bockelman, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following excerpt is presented here as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    ...The state of Mexico appears to be getting worse, if that is possible. There is nothing but anarchy in the country, and our territory is exposed to invasions and incursions by bands of outlaws. The Indians were also extremely troublesome upon the frontier of Texas. Governor HOUSTON, of the latter State, has made a strong representation to the President upon the subject. An amendment to a military bill has been adopted by the Senate, appropriating above a million of dollars to defend Texas against these Mexican outlaws and barbarians. It is said that if something be not speedily undertaken, Texas will raise volunteers, and make reprisals upon Mexico, by invading and occupying the northern States of that republic. It is alleged that Governor HOUSTON is in communication with the people of Chihuahua, Tamapaulis, &c., and that they wish for the establishment of an American protectorate. The oppression and plundering of the marauders and robbers composing the factions which pretend to be the government, are most likely too grievous to be borne any longer. They are unable to subdue each other, and it would be wise for the people to call for the eagle to drive off the vultures which devour them as so much carrion. MIRAMON was going to blockade the Atlantic ports with vessels fitted out at Cuba. He holds no port himself, and our Government is not at all likely to respect a blockade of this character.

    How to Cite This Page: "Wilkes' Spirit of the Times, "Spirit of the Week," March 17, 1860," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/index.php/node/1940.