Israel Washburn to James Shepard Pike, March 20, 1858

    Source citation
    Israel Washburn to James Shepard Pike, March 20, 1858, First Blows of the Civil War: The Ten Years of Preliminary Conflict in the United States, from 1850 to 1860 (New York: American News Company, 1879), 526.
    Author (from)
    Washburn, Israel
    Recipient (to)
    Pike, James Shepard
    Michael Blake
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.
    Washington, March 20, 1858.

    Dear Pike: Excuse me. I was mistaken in saying there was sorghum at the Patent Office. There is not, as I learnt upon inquiry there to-day.

    The Tribune's suggestions for offering damaging amendments to the Lecompton bill are good; but in the event, now not unlikely, that every man who can be induced to vote against the P. G., in order that an opportunity may be had for offering amendments, would vote against the bill, it may be deemed wise to meet the question at once upon a square vote; for in this business of amendments there are two sides, and the Lecomptonites, if they fear they are in a minority, may propose amendments themselves to plague our tender-footed, and may be carry them off, you perceive. But we ought to be certain that we can beat before we venture a direct vote.

    Your ticket for President and Vice-President is a grand one, and will be particularly acceptable to Trumbull. How is James?

    I approve of your remarks in reference to Wade, and as we -- W. and I -- agree about Seward's speech, there need be no more controversy between us. Your success in President-making in 1852 gives you rights that I would be the last to question, especially when you are with Truman. Couldn't you make those pictures of Scott useful?

    Some profane rascal has been abusing our friend Foster in the "lying Argus." I wish you would "edit" that correspondent a grain. Foster's speech was listened to respectfully, and was, I take it, a good speech, and the district which did not elect you is not to be made faces at.

    Yours most sincerely,

    I. Washburn, Jr.

    J. S. Pike, Esq.
    How to Cite This Page: "Israel Washburn to James Shepard Pike, March 20, 1858," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,