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RECEPTION OF THE INAUGURAL. The feverish anxiety which pervaded this City yesterday to see the Inaugural, exceeded anything of the kind we have ever seen. Business of almost every kind seemed for the moment to stand still, and scarcely anything was talked of through the town but the forthcoming document.
There was considerable delay in its transmission, so that it was not until 4 o’clock that it made its appearance in extras from the TIMES and other newspaper offices. Thousands upon thousands were waiting eagerly for them, and probably not less than a hundred thousand were sold during the afternoon. So far as we had an opportunity of observing, the impression made by it was very favorable. It was universally regarded as a document of precisely the right stamp, – firm in support of the Government, and highly conciliatory towards all who have been led to entertain unjust and unfounded apprehensions of the character and purposes of the incoming Administration.