Record Data
Washington Tazewell Co Ill March 18th 1859
Hon A Lincoln
I wish to enquire of you if you have any objections to have the Debates between your self & Judge Douglass [Douglas] published in Book form with a view of selling them if it is Satisfactory with you and I can make the arrangement to get them up I propose to begin with the Republican platform adopted at Springfield Your speech made at that time then Douglass [Douglas] Chicago speech your reply to it then follow with the seven joint Discusions I propose takeing them from the Chicago Press & Tribune I believe they would Sell readily and to good profit if you think it would not injure the Cause of the Republican party I would like to make the Exprirment for I hope to succede in 1860 I will not go into the arrangement unless it is satisfactory all around if we conclude to do it would it be necessary to get the consent of Judge Douglass [Douglas] please consider the matter and answer
yours & c Wm. A. Ross