William Elisha Stoker to Elizabeth E. Stoker, August 27, 1862

    Source citation
    William Elisha Stoker to Elizabeth E. Stoker, August 27, 1862, William E. Stoker Papers, National Civil War Museum, Harrisburg, PA.
    Recipient (to)
    Stoker, Elizabeth E.
    Date Certainty
    David Gillespie, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.

    August the 27th 1862

    Aarkansas [Arkansas] Washtaw Co

    Dear Wife I once more haistiley sit down on an old trunk in a hurry to drop you a few lines to let you know how I am. I am well at this time and I hope thees few lines may find you well. Ive nothing new to write to you that would interest you that could be relied upon. You requestted me in your last letter to write ever too weekes. I have wrote ever too weekes but there has ben no regular mail from where we was campped. Ive met with the chance of sending you several by hand. The first you I wrote to you after I left Jeffersons. I sent it back to Jeffers by hand to be mailed there. Betty I thought when I got hear to camdon [Camden] that I would write to you but it is such a bad chance that I cant write much. We thought that we would lye bye hear several days but the old colonel is going to put us threw to little rock. I thought I would tell you some of the trubles of a soldiers life but it is dark know. I must close but however Ile goo to the light and write you a few more lines. You cant imagine how tite [tight] it is. We have to walk all day and [then] when we strike canps wood and Water is to get. Then cooking is to do and then heap of the time have to stand gard besids lots other heard ships to tedious to mention. Betty when I commencd writeting I hate to stop. I want to tak to you so bad. If I had a good place to write I would write a great deal. I dream of seeing you often. It appears to me just as natural to be talking to you and Percilla [Priscilla]. When I wake it nearley kills me for to think it aint so. I think of you all the time nearley. I must close my light is getting dim. Ile write every chance and if that man wrids [rides] the mail from Texas to this regament. You must write regular. I want to hear from you as often as I can. Nothing more but I remain your effectionate husband untill death.

    William E. Stoker to Mrs Elizabeth Stoker

    Minor Figures

    Priscilla Stoker – William and Elizabeth’s young daughter
    How to Cite This Page: "William Elisha Stoker to Elizabeth E. Stoker, August 27, 1862," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/index.php/node/27299.