Record Data
Lincoln Ills
Septr 25 58.
Dear Lincoln --
Our friend Crockett fr Kentucky is here & he is advertised for a speech--
He says that Tuesday night next in C H--
He is hostile to Douglass [Douglas] & has read your debates & is satisfied--
He says that in the Louisville Democrat.
You are reported as saying in one of your discussions with Douglass not only that you are in favor of Congress legislating against slavery in the Territories -- but also to legislate so as ultimately to terminate it in the States--
I told him that this was not so -- -- that you held -- that Congress had nothing to do with Slavery in the States -- & you would oppose Congress intermeddling in the matter in the states at all--
Write me a short note on this subject -- to Lincoln so that I can get it Monday afternoon
Your concluding speech on Douglass at Charleston was admirable--
They all think here (as Douglass has been here) that you should come here and speak-- Say 16th October -- the day after your discussion with Douglass at Alton-- Try & do it -- as Douglass has spoke here twice-- They are making desperate efforts in this Representative District-- You must come-- Parks thinks this District may be a little doubtful
Yr friend ... D Davis